Roof Estimate in Seconds

We have pre-vetted roofing companies in Goochland, Virginia

Do you need to replace or repair an existing roof?

What kind of home do you have?

How Steep is your roof?

How complicated is your roof?

What material is your roof?

Working with an insurance company?

No Obligation. Completely free and instant.

95% Accuracy

• Takes 3 seconds to measure. We have coverage in 5000+ zip codes.

• Save time with RoofHero's advanced algorithm, designed for fast, accurate roofing estimates.

RoofHero has measured 130k+ roofs with ~95% accuracy.

Vetted Pro

• Pricing is specific to the vetted roofing company near you based on the material and options you selected.

• If we have a vetted pro in your zip expect to receive a call from one roofer.

• Your info is provided to one contractor, only if we have a vetted match.


Fast And Reliable Roof Estimation And Pro Matching

Quick Online Experience

RoofHero is a search engine for pre-vetted roofing companies in the United States with built-in instant roof estimates. Our algorithm measures your roof in 3 seconds, filters out candidate roofing companies based on how you answer our questionnaire, and selects a single vetted roofing company that meets your criteria.

Real Prices

You will get a real price online from your matched pro specific to your roof's surface area and material. Our database holds their material-specific roof replacement and roof repair pricing. Combining the instant measurement of your roof and a pre-selected roofer's pricing generates your custom roof estimate.

Vetted Roofing Companies

RoofHero Pros are vetted individually with a real person from RoofHero's team. We ensure they provide high-quality workmanship and materials, compare their pricing with market pricing in your area, and ensure their team is set up to serve you well.

Proprietary AI

Our propriety AI algorithm will measure your roof from a satellite image of your home in real time. In addition to using AI to measure your roof, we use AI to select the best roofing company in your zip code, combined with robust logic applied to your selections.

Built By Professionals

The team that built this site is comprised of highly technical staff, including machine learning engineers, software engineers, data scientists, and roofing business owners. We believe this website is the easiest, most transparent, and most authoritative way to find the right roofing company and get a real roof estimate fast.

Roofs Measured with RoofHero's proprietary AI

3 Simple Steps For Your Free Quote

Step Image

Step 1: Enter Your Address

Type your address above and answer 5 questions about your roof. This takes less than 30 seconds.

RoofHero Trusted

Work With a RoofHero Trusted Pro

When you work with a top roofer who's earned the RoofHero vetted sheid, you'll have a pro in your corner to help you complete your roofing project the right way. And connecting with them is free—our favorite price tag.

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Free to Connect

We find the best Roofers in the area—you connect with them for free.

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Our vetted roofing companies have on average 25+ years of experience.

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High Standards

RoofHero pros carry 4.8+ star ranking on Google.

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Strong Values

They care about getting you the best deal—not loading their paycheck.

Important Note

The pros listed here may or may not be on the RoofHero network.

Free Listing

We list this information for free, powered by Google, in case you have a roofing emergency.

Get an Estimate

If you'd like a free, instant estimate with one pre-vetted roofing company near you in Goochland, Virginia (without dealing with the pain of interviewing several companies just for a price) use the tool above.

Website Rating Phone Address
Retex Roofing & Exteriors 5 (804) 442-3314 1601 Rayanne Dr, Richmond, VA 23235, USA
API Roofing 5 (804) 307-5109 10220 Hull Street Rd N, Midlothian, VA 23112, USA
Cenvar Roofing - Richmond Roofing Company 4.9 (804) 802-5465 506 Research Rd, Richmond, VA 23236, USA
Shanco Roofing 4.9 (804) 544-9400 11551 Nuckols Rd Suite Z-2, Glen Allen, VA 23059, USA
Hammersmith Roofing & Construction 4.9 (804) 372-8285 1100 Welborne Dr Suite 203, Richmond, VA 23229, USA
Standard Roofing Company, Inc. 4.8 (804) 784-7027 2915 Stone Creek Dr, Sandy Hook, VA 23153, USA
A Plus Roofing 4.8 (804) 752-0008 2907 Hungary Spring Rd, Richmond, VA 23228, USA
Cenvar Roofing - Charlottesville Roofing Company 4.8 (434) 231-7076 21708 James Madison Hwy, Troy, VA 22974, USA
K&J Roof Repairs 4.8 (804) 912-7988 12910 Holly Ln, Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103, USA
T&G Enterprise, LLC - Roofing, Siding, Gutters 4.8 (804) 885-2249 4906 Millridge Pkwy, Midlothian, VA 23112, USA